1st Application (early-spring): The first of two crabgrass and weed pre-emergent applications with a custom blend of fertilizer to give your turf an initial jump into spring. Any cool weather weeds will be spot treated.
2nd Application (late-spring): The second crabgrass and weed pre-emergent application with fertilizer. This application will apply to all turf areas including any areas reseeded during the first application. Any remaining cool weather weeds or warm weather broadleaf weeds will be spot treated.
3rd Application (mid-summer): Our Summer fertilizer with turf damaging insect control. This application will control surface and sub-surface insects and applied during the time of year to most effectively control turf-damaging grubs. Summer broadleaf weeds and certain “nuisance grasses” such as sedges, crabgrass, goose grass, and Japanese stilt grass, will be spot treated.
4th Application (late-summer):
Granular enhanced calcium limestone application to maintain balanced PH levels in turf. Second spot treatment to control any remaining summer broadleaf weeds and\or nuisance grasses. Biennial soil analysis to monitor fertilizer and PH level.
5th Application (late-fall): Winter fertilizer application. A time-released fertilizer high in nitrogen is applied. Any emerging cool weather weeds in the turf will be spot treated if daily temperature is above 40 degrees.
NOTE: Certain summer nuisance grasses are more difficult to control than others. Dallis Grass, Bermuda Grass, Poa-Annua, and Poa-Triv require additional specialized applications and based on their turf infiltration recommendations will be made to the client for a control program.
Turf disease development can be the main factor in deteriorating turf conditions during the summer. Disease development is due to the type of tall fescue turf used in our region and its susceptibility to diseases during periods of heat, humidity, and excess moisture. Disease development is most common in the hot summer months however certain diseases can develop in spring and fall. Turf disease will usually present the appearance of discolored turf, brown circular patches, or grass that appears to be pushed down and does not stand itself backup. Two applications will generally prevent and\or repair disease development during the summer months. The first application will be made preventatively in early summer when the heat and humidity begin to pick up. The second application will be made 30-40 days after the first application. All applications are applied as a liquid and chelated iron is mixed in to help the turf maintain a deep green color through the summer months.